Type: IDEX (finance 6 mois d’ingénieur, 1 an de post-doc)
Date: September 2017 – December 2018
Involved team members:Catherine Garbay, Eric Gaussier (collaboration AMA, GETALP, SIGMA)
Title: Artificial Intelligence for Start-Up Analysis
Type: région (finance 3 ans de post-doc)
Date: January 2018 – January 2020
Involved team members: Catherine Garbay, Eric Gaussier (collaboration AMA, GETALP, SIGMA)
Title: Learning tools for On-Line Advertising
Type: FUI
Date: November 2015 – October 2018
Involved team member(s):Massih R. Amini, Charlotte Laclau, Sumit Sidana
Description: The project aims at defining learning tools for on-line advertising by taking into account the user behaviour in the learning process
Title: Navigation dans Wikipedia par Echo
Type: Projet Emergence (LIG)
Date: January 2017 – December 20XX
Involved team member(s):Christophe Brouard(collaboration AMA, MRIM)
Description: Le projet porte sur la navigation interactive dans Wikipedia en appliquant un principe de sélection par écho sur les tâches d’expansion de requête (sélection de termes), de recherche d’information (sélection de documents) et de classification automatique et clustering (sélection de catégories existantes ou construites). Dans cette application l’utilisateur propose des termes, des documents, des catégories pour exprimer son centre d’intérêt et visualise en retour des termes, des documents et des catégories liés à ce centre d’intérêt. L’utilisateur peut choisir d’ajouter certains des items (termes, documents ou catégories) proposés pour compléter sa requête et réitérer le processus. L’objectif du projet est de montrer une certaine universalité du principe de sélection par écho. Des comparaisons de la sélection par écho avec des systèmes dédiés aux différentes tâches sont mis en place.
MacCoy Critical
Titre: Models for Adaptative feedback enriChment and Orchestration based virtual realitY in Critical situations
Type : ANR Générique
Date : 2014-2018
Involved team members :Catherine Garbay, Yannick Bourrier (collaboration F. Jambon, V. Luengo)
Description: MacCoy Critical is a 42 month multidisciplinary project involving researchers in human sciences, computer sciences, and end-users. Its goal is to study and improve the design of human learning devices based on simulation and virtual environments. Two applications domains knowing a great impact in terms if public health and security (medicine and driving) are considered. It is aimed more precisely at investigating the non technical competences that are involved in the management of critical situations.
Title: Machine learning for welding prediction
Type: financement Total (finance 2 ans de post-doc, 6 mois d’ingénieur)
Date: March 2017 – February 2019
Involved team members:Eric Gaussier, Myriem Tami (collaboration avec M. Clausel)
Title: Intelligent Information Management, Targeted Competition Framework
Type: FP7-ICT-2011.4.4(d)
Date: 2012-2014
Involved team member(s):Eric Gaussier, Ioannis Partalas
Description: BioASQ will push for a solution to the information access problem of biomedical experts by setting up a challenge on biomedical semantic indexing and question answering (QA). The challenge will run in two stages, designed to (a) adapt traditional semantic indexing and QA methods to the needs of biomedical experts, and (b) collect feedback and improve the experimental setting itself.
Title: Reconstruction, Analyse et Accès aux Données dans les Grands Réseaux Socio-Sémantiques
Type: programme CNRS MASTODONS
Date: 2012-2014
Involved team member(s):Eric Gaussier, Gilles Bisson
Description: The aim of this project is to construct, from the analysis of large textaul corpora, multipartite dynamic content and user networks and to analyze and model information diffusion in such networks. An important goal of the project is to understand, from a multi-scale analysis of the dynamics of content/user networks, the dynamics of our society.
Title: Comportements émergents dans les réseaux économiques et sociaux
Description: Le projet scientifique se structure autour de 3 lignes de recherche: l’étude de modèles de choix discrets dans des systèmes avec des interactions sociales, l’étude de la distribution de la richesse et de l’inégalité, et l’étude et modélisation de la criminalité urbaine.
Title: Classification With a Very Large Number of Categories
Type: ANR
Date: 2012-2014
Involved team member(s):Eric Gaussier, Ioannis Partalas, Rohit Babbar, Massih-Reza Amini, Cecile Amblard
Description: This project concerns with the classification of data in very large number of classes (large-scale classification). More specifically, the existing methods will be revisited and new methods will be proposed.
Title: DYNamics Of The Endocytic Proteome: A systemic perspective of trafficking and maturation (SVSE6)
Type: ANR Blanc
Date: 2012-2016
Involved team member(s):Ahlame Douzal, Gilles Bisson, Christophe Brouard
Description: The objective of the DYNOTEP project, in partnership with the CEA, is to provide a systemic perspective on the endocytic process from the angle of protein dynamics. The project is at the crossroad of fundamental research on endocytosis and experimental development on proteome dynamics. Modern large‐scale mass spectrometry‐based quantitative proteomics methods now offer the possibility to establish the repertoire of proteins and to gain insight into their temporal distribution profile in dynamic biological systems. While the technology to achieve the throughput and data quality required for studying proteome dynamics is available, the concepts for multidimensional temporal profile analysis are emerging, and the underlying mathematical tools still require refinement.
Description: Le but du projet est de former un consortium d’équipes comprenant des chercheurs en optimisation mathématique, analyse convexe, apprentissage automatique, et statistique, pour attaquer les verrous scientifiques relatifs à la conception d’algorithmes numériquement efficaces pour l’analyse de données structurées gigantesques. Le consortium est inter-disciplinaire et réunit des chercheurs du laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, le laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble, le laboratoire Paul Painlevé, et le département d’informatique de l’ENS. Le projet s’articule autour de deux grands axes de recherche. Le premier axe concerne la conception d’algorithmes d’optimisation stochastique numériquement efficaces pour l’apprentissage grande échelle lorsqu’une structure sous-jacente est en présense, et l’étude théorique de leur performances. Le deuxième axe concerne la conception d’algorithmes d’optimisation stochastique pour la calibration des hyperparamétres d’algorithmes d’apprentissage, et l’étude théorique de leur performances.
Title: Propagation d’Actes Incivils – une approche systèmes compleXes
Description: Le projet réunit une équipe pluridsciplinaire de criminologues, physiciens et mathématiciens autour de la question de la propagation d’actions illégales dans des contextes de contagions sociales. L’objectif est de faire se rencontrer des approches de modélisations très récentes sur ces questions et l’analyse de données recueillies sur les émeutes urbaines de 2005 en France.
Title: Visual Analytics of Proteomes using Statistical Learning and integrating Multiple-view coming from Spectrometrics and Omics Databases
Type: défi Mastodons “grandes masse de données” du CNRS
Date: 2012-2014
Involved team member(s):Gilles Bisson
Description: The objective of this project is to create a synergy between Proteomics, Systems Biology, Learning and Information Visualization communities. More precisely, the first goal is to allow machine learning specialists, knowledge management and “Visual Analytics” to discover new application areas and the future challenges and issues that complex data mining will be faced with. The second goal, is to provide to the proteomics community an access to the latest knowledge extraction/fusion tools to add a semantic layer to the protein identification tools.
Regional Projects
Décision collectives en environnements interactifs et collaboratifs complexes : application à la gestion de crise.
Title: Collective decisions in interactive and complexe work context: crisis management application ;
Type: Regional
Funding: Call for proposals ARC6 2013; ARC “ITC and innovative use of informatic tools”;
Description: The aim of this project is to design technological environment to support distant collaborative work applied to crisis management. This project is the follow-up of a previous ANR project called Imagit (www.univ-valenciennes.fr/fr/imagit/tangisense ) and will use the tangible interface TangiSense. This application has to support the sharing and coordination of different ressources among humans organisations with diffrent goals, decision protocols and ways to interact. Collaborations: IRMA ( www.irma-grenoble.com); RFIdees (www.rfidees.fr); Olivier Boissier ( http://www.emse.fr/~boissier/ ); Julie Dugdale ( http://magma.imag.fr/content/julie-dugdale).
New Theoretical Frameworks in Metric Learning: Application to Energy Management
Title: New Theoretical Frameworks in Metric Learning: Application to Energy Management
Type: Regional
Funding: Call for proposals ARC6 2013; ARC “ITC and innovative use of informatic tools”
Date: oct. 2013- oct.2016
Involved team member(s): Massih-Reza Amini, Eric Gaussier, Irina Nicolae
Description: This proposal is a fundamental research project whose main goal is to provide new theoretical frameworks and algorithms for automatically learning metrics from data. Based on the saying “Birds of a feather flock together”, metrics play a crucial role in a large set of learning methods, such as the widely used k-nearest neighbors, kernel-based methods in classification or the k-Means algorithm in clustering. Since manually tuning metrics for a given real-world problem is often difficult and tedious, our objective is to automatically acquire knowledge from training data to optimize good metrics. This requires to formally define the notion of goodness that would allow us to ensure theoretical guarantees (i) on the generalization ability of the metric (i.e. do the properties optimized over the training set still hold on new data?) and (ii) on the generalization capability of a classifier using that metric (i.e. can we derive upper bounds on the generalization error of the classifier?). The metric learning algorithms developed in this project will be used to deal with image classification tasks in order to not only increase the classification accuracy but also improve the creation of relevant visual dictionaries.
Collaborations: Amaury Habrard, Marc Sebban (LHC – St-Etienne)
Local Projects
Titre : Partage d’autorité dynamique entre formateur et tuteur intelligent en situation d’apprentissageEmergence (LIG)
Type : Emergence (LIG)
Date : 2016-2017
Involved team members : Catherine Garbay (collaboration F. Jambon, V. Luengo, PRIMA)
Title: Développement d’une plateforme mobile destinée à participer à la surveillance d’un ensemble de personnes en situation de fragilité (Attentive)
Type: Projet exploratoire PERSYVAL
Date: 2013-2014
Description: The purpose of the project is to design a mobile communicating companion robot, to provide assistance, and to ensure follow-up of impaired people (elderly, disabled…). The role of the robot is to perceive the situations of the “accompanied” person, his behavior and needs, based on various sensors placed on both of them. The overall objective is that the robot should be able to accompany and assist impaired persons in a “natural” way, at home or during a walk, and raise alerts in case of detected problem (fall, weakening…).
The work falls under the context of cooperation between two research laboratories: LIG (teams AMA, MAGMA, GETALP) and GIPSA-lab (team AGPIG).
Titre : Modèles émotionnels et sociaux de la cohésion humaine
Type : Emergence (LIG)
Date : 2016-2017
Involved team members : Catherine Garbay (collaboration MAGMA)
Description: The aim of the project is to explore the properties of the adaptive nonlinear filter in the case of indirect (incomplete and blurry) observations. The objective of this work is twofold. First, the statistical properties of the proposed algorithms should be studied under various observation signal scenarios. Second, we aim to devise the implementation of the adaptive filters through iterative saddle-point optimization, developed in [3,4], which should allow to treat efficiently large-scale data
Titre : Génération de récits à partir de données ambiantes
Type : Emergence (LIG)
Date : 2016-2017
Involved team members : Catherine Garbay (collaboration GETALP, IIHM)
Titre : Soutien aux usages de la table Tangisense
Type : Soutien Ingénieur (LIG)
Date : 2017
Involved team members : Catherine Garbay (M. Harsché, G. Vega, ingénieurs PIMLIG)
Description: The project concerns a theoretical study of one shot learning. This learning paradigm has been developed for emerging applications, where the aim is to find a predictor with one or few labeled examples associated to the application of interest, with many other unlabeled examples and labeled examples from related learning tasks to the main application. This is for example the case in computer vision where we may have few labeled images for a new concept, together with many unlabeled images containing the concept and also many labeled images of other concepts. Another example, is learning to rank applications in information retrieval, where the aim is to find a ranking function for a new set of queries/documents for which we may have just the ranking of a subset of documents to a given query together with many rankings of documents to other passed queries.
Industrial Projects
Best of Media
Title: Activity prediciton in social networks
Type: Cifre
Date: 2011-2014
Involved team member(s): A. Douzal, E. Gaussier
Description: The aim of the project is to study machine learning techniques for activity prediciton in social networks.
Title: Sequence learning for information extraction
Date: 2014-2017
Involved team member(s): M.-R. Amini, E. Gaussier
Description: The aim of the project is to study information extraction via sequence learning methods from heterogeneous documents.
Title: Temporal data analysis and learning for efficiency energetics on sensor data
Description: The aim of the project is to study new temporal data analysis and learning algorithms for the regression and the classification (supervised and semi-supervised) of sensor data. .
Xerox Research Centre Europe
Title: Predictive models for relational data
Type: Cifre
Date: 2014-2017
Involved team member(s): E. Gaussier
Description: The aim of the project is to study matrix factorization methods in a realtional context with the will to capture and infer new relations between objects.
Title: accident avoidance by active intervention for Intelligent Vehicles;
Type: FP7-ICT
Date: 01/2010-12/2013
Involved team member(s):Olivier Aycard, Ricardo Omar Chavez Garcia
Description: InteractIVe develops advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for safer and more efficient driving. interactIVe introduces safety systems that autonomously brake and steer. The driver is continuously supported by interactIVe assistance systems. They warn the driver in potentially dangerous situations. The systems do not only react to driving situations, but are also able to actively intervene in order to protect occupants and vulnerable road users. Seven demonstrator vehicles – six passenger cars of different vehicle classes and one truck – will be built up to develop, test, and evaluate the next generation of safety systems.
Description: The goal of the FRAGRANCES project is to develop a new algorithms and tools for the information retrieval tasks in the context of the interaction networks, and more precisely of the Social Networks. The contributions of our team to this project concerns the information diffusion modeling (Cédric Lagnier PhD thesis) and the multi-view clustering (Clément Grimal PhD thesis).
Type: ANR-10-CORD-0017
Date: oct. 2010- dec. 2013
Involved team member(s):Catherine Garbay, Lauren Thevin
Description: The project consist to design, realize and test a new environment making it possible a whole of users to interact in a way distributed using a set of interaction tables, but also tangible and virtual objects. The interactive table is based on RFID technology for the identification and localization of tangible objects.
Description: TThe goal of the METRICC project was to develop new algorithms and tools for the exploitation of compararble corpora in cross-language settings, in particular for cross-language inforamtion retrieval.
Title: Predicting activity in social media
Type: Cifre
Involved team member(s):Eric Gaussier, Ahlame Douzal, Francois Kawala
Description: Themes covered by this project are detection, analysis and modeling of users behaviours that induce and explain macro changes (eg. users interest wrt. a given topic) which are related to the monetization of contents. We focus on models that can cope with distinct informations sources (eg. content and behavioural). The project could span on :
Analysis and selection of informations sources
Content based feature selection
Behaviour based feature selection
Modeling of information diffusion for online social networks