I am involved and participate in the following project :
- Deep Learning for Judicial Outcome Prediction (ANR LawBot) 2021-2024
In the past, I was involved in the projects and Networks:
- Calypso (FUI Project with Kelkoo and Purch) on online advertising (2015-2018)
- Khronos Persyval labex project (co-leader with Zaid Harchaoui) on large-scale learning (2014 - 2017)
- Gargantua (CNRS Mastodons) (February 2013 - 2015)
- Class-Y (ANR Project) (February 2011 - February 2015)
- Thanatos (THeoretical ANAlysis and sTudy of One Shot learning - UJF project) (December 2013 - December 2014)
- PASCAL2 European network of excellence (2009-2013)
- CADI (Composants Avancés pour la DIstibution - ANR project) (2007 - 2010)
- SεPTIA (Solution automatiquε Pour le Traitement des InterActions clients - ANR project) - (2004 - 2008)
- Infomagic - (2004 - 2007)
- PASCAL European Network of Excellence (2004-2006)
- OURAL (OUtils et Ressources pour l'Analyse de la Langue - RNTL project) - (2002 - 2005)